July 2023

Lindahl Reed is pleased to announce it has been awarded a five-year contract by the Department of Justice (DOJ), United States Attorney’s Office (USAO), Northern District of New York (NDNY) to provide affirmative civil enforcement (ACE) fraud investigative services to advance and protect the financial and programmatic interests of the United States through civil investigations and litigation.  The ACE Program at the USAO for the NDNY uses federal civil enforcement laws to combat fraud, waste, and abuse in federal programs, and to pursue enforcement actions against those who violate federal environmental and civil rights laws.

Lindahl Reed works with Assistant United States Attorneys (AUSAs) and other federal and state or local agencies responsible for programs supported by federal funding. Under this contract Lindahl Reed provides a full range of investigative services including gathering evidence through data research, interviews of witnesses, coordinating surveillance, and providing assessments and recommendations to assist with building proof necessary for successful litigation.

“We understand the detrimental impact fraud, waste and abuse has on Federal and state health care and civil programs, including the risk of harm to the quality and safety of care provided to beneficiaries, as well as the impact to the cost of health care,” said Nicole Hough, President and Chief Executive Officer.  “We are honored to provide ACE fraud investigative services in support of the important work being done by the DOJ, USAO and other Federal and state agencies to combat health care and financial fraud.”

Lindahl Reed is an SBA certified 8(a) participant, SDB, WOSB, and EDWOSB that provides program management, scientific and technical, and management advisory services to federal, state, institutional, and commercial customers.  We offer expertise in the health, energy, and environmental markets.  Lindahl Reed was founded on the belief that we can advance a safer, healthier, and more resilient and sustainable world. Our solutions keep our homeland secure, make our communities healthier, increase energy resilience, and help to protect our environment.