Lindahl Reed is proud to announce our work with the Department of Energy’s (DOE) Federal Energy Management Program (FEMP) to provide resource efficiency management services. Under this 5-year contract, Lindahl Reed’s energy engineers provide training on FEMP tools and programs, and support FEMP partners with identification and adoption of energy and water conservation opportunities to optimize the use of utility resources. This includes the optimization of electricity, natural gas, water, wastewater, and other utilities while developing renewable energy solutions as such solar, geothermal, and wind technologies. Lindahl Reed also supports development of energy and water resiliency initiatives and projects while working to reduce energy and water consumption and costs.
“Lindahl Reed is proud of the work we are doing in support of FEMP and its federal partners, focusing on identifying solutions that improve energy and water efficiency, enhance energy resilience, and reduce greenhouse gas emissions,” said Nicole Hough, Lindahl Reed President and Chief Executive Officer. “This important work expands on Lindahl Reed’s portfolio of scientific, engineering, technical, and business solutions being delivered across the DOE enterprise.”
Lindahl Reed is an SBA certified 8(a) participant, SDB, WOSB, and EDWOSB that provides program management, scientific and technical, and management advisory services to federal, state, institutional, and commercial customers. We offer expertise in the health, energy, and environmental markets. Lindahl Reed was founded on the belief that we can advance a safer, healthier, and more resilient and sustainable world. Our solutions keep our homeland secure, make our communities healthier, increase energy resilience, and help to protect our environment.